Aug 19, 2011

Spirited Behavior at the Dentist

My son went to a couple of orthodontists and both wanted to do a Herbst device. It basically does the same job as headgear (slows the upper jaw while the lower jaw catches up to correct an overbite, his is minimal) and he wanted no part of that!! It did look primitive and uncomfortable. So we settled on just a space retainer for his bottom teeth, this will maintain a little bit of space while his permanent teeth come in and prevent them from being too crowded. He still needs braces but you know, his teeth really aren't bad and we wanted to see how he would be with just this little thing. He spent two days absolutely crazed, crying sobbing saying his life was ruined! Typical spirited kid fashion. By day three he had forgotten about it. So, we may get the braces yet.

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