Jun 27, 2011

What are you doing over the summer?

I spoke too soon with my son and said he could have the summer off from school. So, we'll be doing stealth schooling

He will keep reading, I'm sure. I have been amazed at his progress this year! I can only imagine how much better he'll do as I spend more time actually teaching him reading (we use the Wilson Reading Program).

I will also read to him every night, as always.

We will spend a lot of time at the pool and visiting friends. I also have signed him up for a 3-week day camp. It's a drama camp and I hope he really enjoys it. I know I will.

My son has made a new friend. He has met very, very few people he clicks with, being the sweet and quirky kid he is. A mom advertised on the local email homeschooling list and I wrote back to her, and now he has a really cool new friend. And the mom and I could be twins! We have the same type of children, the same health issues, the same education and profession and many more similarities. Once again, it's a miracle.

I love Flylady, but am happy to report a maid is coming today, and I am so relieved to have the help. DH was supposed to do some things around the house while I attended a homeschooling conference this weekend, but he argued that he couldn't do anything because of my son’s demands! And yet he thinks I should be able to handle so much more around the house.

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